Palast Promotion is a consulting agency for event management.

This includes professional preliminary consultancy as well as brilliant solutions for your event.

Our experienced personnel plans, implements and controls your event from start to finish. Our know-how and sense of responsibility will find a sound balance between content and emotion and will make you safely reach your goal.

Our integral approach comprises all elements of event- and exhibition-concepts with high demand on form, function and material. Trough technological know-how and creativity we create stimulating experiences. In addition, a convincing mix of multimedia-effects provides your message with maximum communicative potential.

In cooperation with our partnership agencies we produce video, audio, animations or music productions. Upon demand we also develop 3-D-contents presenting your website or charts integrated into modern design, in a user-friendly fashion.

From idea to applause

We appeal to target groups by creating concepts which embed messages into individually designed worlds of experience. Our capital are well thought-out ideas, creativity and an innovative sense for bright solutions – paired with technological know-how. Thus the art of communication consists of turning structured ideas into emotions that create images – and sell.

Precision to the last screw

Palast Promotion applies the most modern event technologies and works with motivated and best trained personnel. Our strength: quality control that guarantees reliable functioning to the last screw.

All parts fit together

Be it galas, TV-shows, product presentations or press conferences: event-, simultaneous- or video-technology, lighting systems, sound or audio, stage construction or decoration, with us the entire logistic system is in reliable hands.

Standing in the limelight …

… that’s certainly something!
With surprising ideas and CI-related solutions we create individual event productions including stage design. Imaginativeness and personal commitment enable us to produce fascinating settings presenting your message or products in the limelight.

10. Wiesbadener Night of Music. Das Jubiläum!

photo by Matthias Sauerwein

Liebe Freunde der Night of Music,
mit großer Freude teilen wir euch mit, dass wir seit eben mit dem Kartenvorverkauf für die Night of Music 2023 LIVE sind!
Das bedeutet, ihr könnt ab sofort Karten über Reservix bestellen.

Die Wahl zwischen Hardcopy Ticket (wird zugesendet) oder elektronische Variante
Die Möglichkeit das Ticket als Geschenkgutschein zu bestellen (falls ihr z.B. noch ein tolles Ostergeschenk sucht)
Natürlich könnt ihr auch wie gewohnt das Ticket in der Wiesbadener Tourist Information erwerben, da diese eine Verkaufsstelle von Reservix ist.

Wir freuen uns mit euch auf Dezember!

Social engagement

Wir sind besonders aktiv bei den Rhine River Rhinos und Wiesbaden engagiert, die sich jeweils einmal im Jahr dazu entschließen, mit Geld und Arbeitskraft eine Aktion in sozialen Einrichtungen zu unterstützen.
mehr dazu »
