Michael Stein
… has often been asked how he became an event manager with a degree in theology and sports? His answer: With heart and mind, and a healthy load of creativity. He takes advantage of his year long experience to advise our clients with great empathy in planning and directing their events. Even during the most tense moments he always stays calm, keeps his mind to the goals and conveys confidence.
“The nicest thing about some of the successes are the side-effects.”

Frank Wistuba
Project Manager
… fand nach seiner Ausbildung zum Elektroinstallateur und seiner Liebe zur Musik zu seiner wahren Berufung, der Tontechnik. Für Palast Promotion betreut er als technischer Leiter vorwiegend die Veranstaltungen in der Jugendkulturkirche sankt peter, Frankfurt.
„Auch das lauteste Getöse großer Ideale darf uns nicht verwirren und nicht hindern, den einen leisen Ton zu hören, auf den alles ankommt.“

Oliver Dimde
Technical Manager
… takes care of the frictionless technological course of events. He is the indisputable, invisable man behind the scene, directing decoration, light, video and sound. As early as the start of event conception he begins to work out the perfect setting for the entire technological equipment.
He is project-leader and contact for one of our exclusive premium-event-location: the jugend-kultur-kirche sankt peter.
“The bitterness of bad quality continues to linger on, even after the sweet taste of low price has long been forgotten.”

Frank Hoffmann
Project Manager /
Technical Manager
… is for many years a solid member of the team. His talent for organisiation and project-leading had its finishing with his services for the Bundeswehr. After he re-educated in event-merchandising and since works on event-concepts with great passion and creativity. He is project-leader and contact for one of our exclusive premium-event-location: the Lufthansa-Flight-Training Center. Our customers like him for his friendliness and helpfullness. Teamwork is his passion also during spare time: He enjoys being a football-trainer.
Information about Lufthansa-Flight-Training Center.
“Perfect planning saves from unpleasant surprises!”

Ralf Hamm
… was already in the 1990’s underway throughout Europe in controlling and finance-optimization. Back in good old Germany for ten years now, he considers himself the treasure-hunter among the book-keepers and dives down into the depts of diverse records and files to search for hidden money. The most important thing for him: Humor!
„One does not become rich by earning, but by not spending.“

Michael Conradi
Fairbuilding / Director
… constructs exhibition platforms for Palast Promotion. He is thus responsible for the quick and practical implementation of ideas and concepts. His talent for organization and tremendous mental grasp, paired with unconventional ideas, transform wishes and visions of our clients into spectacular individual presentations at fairs.
“You must long for the impossible in order to reach the possible.”

Peter Richter
… – composer, musician and producer – is one of the creative heads of Palast Promotion. Aside his work for the film and movie industry he writes music for all kinds of events and productions. He is also prizewinner of the “Goldene Stimmgabel des ZDF” (the “Golden Tuning Fork” of the Second German TV-channel).
Infos Peter Richter: www.peterrichter.net
“Art is beautiful, but also requires hard work.”

Ulli von Eicken
IT Support
… is responsible for the it-infrastructure of Palast Promotion, so he is taking care of the smooth run of the server and the communication within our workstations. Thanks to the network he is able to solve a lot of problems from home. But if his presence is demanded in the Palast office, the team is welcoming him, because of his open-minded and well-humoured nature.
“Communication is everything.”

Dieter Kramer
Messebau Ingenieur
… hat über die Praxis zur Theorie gefunden. Als Diplom-Designer entwirft und gestaltet er heute Bühnen- und Messebauten zunächst im virtuellen Raum. Und wie die meisten bei Palast Promotion ist auch er Musiker, allerdings der einzige Trommler.
Infos Dieter Kramer: www.planschmiede-kramer.de
„Alles hat seinen Rhythmus.“

Don Weaver
Touring Management /
Artists Support
… for over two decades Don has been on the road now with our artists on all stages of the world. Ray Charles, Bobby McFerrin, or Peter Gabriel – they all appreciated Don for being a well seasoned man of action, a qualified down cooler and of course as the guy who solves all problems. Who wonders, as a musician, Don always exactly feels how to motivate other artists. And all festival managers have a good feeling, when they see Don alighting the bus as the first one coming out.
“After the show is ahead of the show”